From Design to Demolition – how long will it take?

From Design to Demolition – how long will it take?

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If you’re considering a kitchen or bath remodel you’re probably wondering: “How long will it take?”

Of course, the answer is “it depends” but since that’s not very helpful, let’s look at each of the five main phases in every remodel project:


There will be variables to each phase that might make your experience take more or less time than your neighbor’s project, but here are the fundamentals for each phase:

πŸ‘‰ Design

Whether you design-it-yourself, or have a whole architectural and interior design team on board, somebody needs to make all the design decisions, from cabinet layout to cabinet hardware.

If you’re working with us at Seriously Happy Homes, the design phase will usually last six to eight weeks. From the date we measure your rooms to when we present you with complete design concepts is about four weeks, and in the remaining weeks we revise and compile the plan into one executable file.

πŸ‘‰ Contractor Selection

Once you have a design then you can hand it to multiple contractors for pricing. You’ll probably feel excited and eager to get the project started, but don’t rush this phase. While it can take an excruciatingly long time to nail down your contractor (contractors in Seattle are very busy) it’s essential that you choose a contractor you trust, who is a good fit for the project, who fits your quality expectations, and meets your budget needs. Plan for this to take at least one to two months.

A good way to speed up the process is by pre-vetting three to five contractors and getting on their radar before you start the design process, so that as soon as you have a design you can hand it to your vetted contractors to price. (See this blog for more on question of which-comes-first, your design or your contractor.)

πŸ‘‰ Permits

Once you have selected your contractor you’ll move into the permitting phase (assuming your project requires permits). How long the permit process takes varies from city to city, project to project, and inspector to inspector, (not to mention the influence of global pandemics).

If it’s a simpler project it may only need a “subject-to-field-Inspection (STFI) permit,” adding very little time to the project. If it’s a more complex project it may require involving an engineer and draftsperson and take two to six months (check out this blog on whether you might need an engineer or draftsperson.) Just remember it’s leading you to your happy place, and permits are there to protect you!

πŸ‘‰ Ordering

While awaiting your permits you and your contractor will start ordering everything for your remodel. Don’t delay, since lead times and backorders can have a huge (and undesirable) impact on your project timeline!

The lead time for your cabinets, and the lead time for your permits, will usually determine the start date of your project (along with your contractor’s calendar, of course). Cabinets usually take about six to eight weeks from order to delivery, but that timeline can be weeks shorter or longer depending on the supplier.

(NOTE: Be sure to open boxes and check that everything is as expected so you don’t discover broken or mis-ordered tile, fixtures, etc the day of install.)

πŸ‘‰ Execution

Once you finally have a design, a contractor, permits (if needed), and all your materials and fixtures, you can finally demo and remodel your home (yea!). Of course, how long the execution will take depends on too many factors to answer in a blog post. Even a “simple” project like a bathroom remodel could take anywhere from a couple weeks to several months depending on your contractors schedule and the complexity of the design. In general, it is common for a bathroom to take about six weeks from demo to completion, and for a kitchen to take about three months, but again, it will depend on the specifics of your design, and your choice of contractor.

So what’s the bottom line?

If you’ve already chosen your contractor, and if you have a relatively simple project like a simple bathroom refresh that requires no permits and involves ready-made cabinets, then from the day we measure your space to the day you could ask your contractor to start could be as short as two months.

On the other hand, if you won’t be able to choose a contractor till you have plans in hand, and if you are doing an extensive whole-home remodel complete with moving walls and new kitchen cabinetry, then from measure through choosing a contractor through permits to demo could be six months or longer.

No matter the timeline, just remember that it *will* take longer than you’d like, so treat it like a marathon, not a sprint. That way you’ll reserve your energy enough to keep up with your real life while taking on the adventure of planning and executing a remodel.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by this process we’re here to help. Even if you plan to DIY the design yourself, it can be nice to have a set of professional eyes to review your work, or just talk you through the process, and that’s what ourΒ Design Helpline Zoom calls are for. We can go over the ideas you have for your home, give you guidance on how to approach the project, and help you edit your materials and fixtures to make sure your results look cohesive, thoughtful, and inviting, just the way you dreamed. We’re here to help when you’re ready!

May your home always be happy!



Rebecca West, Interior Designer Seattle

I’m an interior designer, author, podcaster, speaker, and coach to other designers. (Whew!) But I’m not your classic interior designer because, frankly, I don’t care if you buy a new sofa. I do care if your home supports your goals and feels like β€œyou.” Remember, happy starts at home!

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