Dinner Parties: your home, happiness, & social connections

Dinner Parties: your home, happiness, & social connections

10 practical tips for making your home happier now

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Did you know that the social connections you have with other people are instrumental to your happiness?

Yep, it’s true! Science shows that our social connections are one of the key predictors of human levels of happiness. Unfortunately, one of the most common things I hear from my clients is that they feel embarrassed by the state of their home and that it keeps them from inviting people over.

FEELING ashamed of your home is a big problem!

Whether you actually want to throw full-on dinner parties, or you just want to feel less embarrassed when a colleague drops by your house, having a social-ready home is one of the ways to ensure you have a happy life!

dinner parties

Now, I’m not saying you have to have a Pinterest-perfect space in order to have a friend-ready home. But if you feel at all embarrassed or ashamed of the way your space feels or looks, then it absolutely is getting in the way of social opportunities and, therefore, in the way of your happiness.

So what should you do?

First, HONESTLY evaluate how you feel about your space. If I told you that your boss was going to drop by your home in ten minutes, would that send you into a state of panic? Or would you use those ten minutes to maybe straighten up a bit, but not be too bothered? Take note of the areas that make you panic a bit.

Second, check your mindset and expectations. As interior designers we see a LOT of homes, so we know that most people don’t live Pinterest-perfect lives. But many of us only ever see our own home and then we compare it to those in Elle Decor and Architectural Digest. comparing our homes to those in design magazines is like comparing our bodies to the photoshopped ones we see in fashion and “health” magazines. Those are *not* realistic expectations or healthy role models for our homes, minds, or bodies. Before you go deciding what needs to change, think about what is *great* about your space, and try to see it with kind eyes. Do you really need a new sofa before you’ll be comfortable having friends over? Of course, if the answer is yes, read on…

THIRD, figure out what needs to change. It rarely takes a remodel to make you feel more proud and less ashamed of your space, but our spaces do get neglected over time. A bit of decluttering, a fresh coat of paint, and maybe a new rug in the living room can go a LONG way to making you feel good about your space. What is one thing you could do today to freshen things up? Maybe it’s as simple as changing out a burnt-out light bulb! Looking for guidance on how to declutter? Check out this blog for some tips!

The real key is recognizing that your home is a key component of feeling successful in your life and for helping you forge and nurture strong social bonds. Even if you’re an introvert and you don’t tend to have people over, how you feel when you wake up to your space will influence how you engage with people outside of your home and in social situations. So make sure that your space is supporting, not sabotaging, your happiness. Ready to meet with a design pro to come up with ideas to make your home a happier space to live in? That’s what we’re here for! Schedule a Design Helpline to get started!

May your home always be happy (& full of friends)! 

Rebecca West, Interior Designer Seattle

I’m an interior designer, author, podcaster, speaker, and coach to other designers. (Whew!) But I’m not your classic interior designer because, frankly, I don’t care if you buy a new sofa. I do care if your home supports your goals and feels like “you.” Remember, happy starts at home!

Are you ready for a seriously happy home?

(Cue the confetti!)

10 practical tips for making your home happier now

Eager to get happy at home right now?

Get 10 tips for a happier home!