Downsized Elegance
Downsizing offers a wonderful opportunity to reinvent your space, especially when it involves moving from a suburban home on the lake to an urban condo downtown!
Spaces like these have two main challenges. First, they require careful space planning to make the most of the small footprint. This family wanted room to host several couples for dinner, but fitting seating for six into both the dining and living area proved to be a challenge, especially without blocking the view.
To make the space work it was important to choose streamlined furniture with track-style arms that wouldn’t take up too much precious seating space, and making sure that each element, from rugs to lamps to throw pillows, added enough decorative beauty and texture that the room didn’t need to be over-filled to be finished.
Here, for example, we used aΒ silky, rug to anchor the room, framed it with a striking arc lamp, and crowned it with a sparkly oversized starburst mirror. Each piece does its job and very little else is needed!
The other challenge in these spaces is to make them feel personal, especially when the people downsizing won’t be able to bring along all the mementos and things that have collected over the years into the new space. It is called downsizing, after all. For this couple that meant creating spaces for growing plants since one of the main things they were leaving behind was a lush landscape full of plants and open spaces.
In other rooms we also created gallery walls for family photos so that even in this new, streamlined space the story of the their family would be present.
If you’re ready to downsize and change lifestyles, and you are looking for a fresh, clean-slate start to this next chapter of your life, give us a call. We’d be happy to help you launch!
Are you ready for a seriously happy home?
(Cue the confetti!)

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