Seriously Happy Quiz Results


0-40 points. Struggling

Your space actively weighs you down. You may feel frustrated, and you may not feel at home in your house. When you look around you see bad decisions, or your past, or someone else’s past. Maybe you feel a sense of failure or maybe the place is just not up to the standards you have set for yourself. You are likely tired of this feeling. You just want to feel calm, peaceful, and proud of your home, but you aren’t sure that is possible. You may feel stuck or helpless. Maybe you’ve set goals to finish a room or get organized, but you’re always too busy or too overwhelmed to get very far. You would love a solution, but you just don’t know where to start.

What you need: A shift in energy. A vision that will encourage you, empower you, and guide you to escape this rut. An understanding that your situation is temporary and changeable. Actionable, small steps that fit into your busy life and create a sense of change and accomplishment. Proof that you are not alone; there is nothing wrong with you; you are not a failure; and you can feel calm, peaceful, and empowered about your home and your life. Use the book as a guide to help you figure out why your home is out of alignment with what you need to live your best life, and to identify specific projects that can help you create a happy home and a happy life!


41-75 points. Striving

You space has some pluses and some minuses. There is room for improvement, but you are hopeful. Your home feels safe and secure but could feel a bit more welcoming, cozy, and comfortable. You know that you have a good life, but you’re never quite relaxed at home. You are ready to fully love your home and have it work for you instead of you working for it.

What you need: Clarity around what is working and what can be done to bring you to a more complete place. An action plan to help you finish the “incompletes” in your home and prioritize the projects so you get the biggest impact for your effort. Small but focused steps to make sure your surroundings are working for you and ensuring your success rather than sabotaging all your hard work. Use the book to give you focus as you figure out what home projects will have the biggest bang for your investment-of-time-and-money buck so that your home is working as hard for *you* as it can, supporting all your short and longterm goals! 


76-100 points. Succeeding and supporting

Congratulations! Your home is helping you succeed. You’ve done the work to create a space that supports you. You regularly donate items that have outlived their purpose, and you don’t hesitate to buy things that will bring an element of joy or functionality to your home, because you sense when your home needs a change.

What you need: You’re doing great: keep it up! Continue to freshen up your home as your life shifts, since nothing in life is ever static. Your good habits will make it easier to keep an ear out for when your home needs an update. Use the book as a way to check in and make sure that everything in your home is supporting your awesome efforts at living a successful and happy life! 


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Let’s get you feeling happier at home, shall we?